The Most Severe Tornado Outbreak
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Tornadoes are powerful natural occurrences. They can destroy an entire town or even an entire city. Tornadoes are created when warm air condenses with...
The Deadliest Tsunami in the World
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A tsunami is a repercussion of a massive earthquake that came from beneath the sea. Most of the time, tsunamis form in less than...
The Most Active Volcano in the World
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Most people think that volcanoes are a landmark of destruction and death. But, it can also be a landmark of a new age. Most...
The Longest River in the World
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Rivers are the life force behind forests and jungles. In ancient times, people create civilizations near a river since this is the area where...
The Oldest Active Volcano in the World
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Volcanoes are natural land formations that bring forth life and death to their surroundings. We often depict volcanoes as a force of destruction and...
The Rarest Flower in the World
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During the spring season, most flowers found in our garden will bloom and give life back to what was once a frigid landscape. The...
The Most Poisonous Tree in the World
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Trees often give life to other lifeforms such as humans and animals. They tend to feed animals food they need to survive the harsh...
The Dirtiest River in the World
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Rivers give life to the forest and sometimes, they are the life of a certain civilization. As most can realize, the great ancient civilizations...